I’m Pawel Kubica

As an experienced eCommerce professional with over seven years of experience selling on Amazon, eBay, and Shopify, I am confident that my knowledge and expertise can bring significant benefits to my potential customers. I have learned the ins and outs of online selling, from marketing strategies to inventory management, to customer service.

My experience has allowed me to develop a keen eye for identifying the most profitable products and the best ways to market them to a specific audience. By working with me, my customers can expect to gain insights into these strategies, which will ultimately lead to increased sales and higher profits.

In addition to my eCommerce background, I am also an avid traveler who enjoys exploring new places by motorhome. This passion for adventure has given me a unique perspective on life, one that has taught me to be adaptable and resourceful. These qualities translate directly into my business endeavors, as I am always seeking to learn new skills and create new opportunities.

One area of particular interest to me is productivity. I firmly believe that time is our most valuable resource, and I am always looking for ways to optimize my efficiency and effectiveness. By sharing my knowledge and insights into productivity tools and techniques, I can help my customers achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope that you find the information and resources here helpful in achieving your goals.

 How can I help

Capturing your life goals and projects into single to catch framework.

Organise a structure for captured data.

Show best practices in executing your goals and projects.

Help learning new skills to future proof yourself.


Staying focused and organized is crucial to achieving success in both personal and professional endeavors. When we are disorganized and unfocused, we waste valuable time and energy on tasks that are not important, and we can quickly become overwhelmed.

To stay focused, it’s important to set clear goals and prioritize tasks. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, we can focus on what’s most important and work towards our objectives in a more effective and efficient way.

Organizing our work environment and using tools like calendars, task lists, and project management software can help us stay on track and avoid distractions. By scheduling our time and allocating specific blocks for different tasks, we can minimize interruptions and distractions, allowing us to focus on the task at hand.

Moreover, taking regular breaks, getting enough sleep, and incorporating exercise into our daily routine can also help us stay focused and energized throughout the day.

In conclusion, by prioritizing tasks, staying organized, and taking care of our physical and mental health, we can stay focused and achieve our goals in a more efficient and productive way.

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